30 Interesting Facts About Peacocks

During the breeding season in the Spring, peacocks are known for displaying their beautiful feathers.

Peacocks are one of the most stunning creatures on earth. However, there are many fascinating things about these birds that we may not know.

Here are some fun and interesting facts about peacocks that will amaze you!

Peacock is a term that only applies to male birds. The female birds are called peahens, and they are collectively known as peafowl.

There are three species of peafowl. Two of them come from Asia, and one originates from Africa.

The African species is called the Congo peafowl, and it comes from the Congo Basin. The blue (Indian) peafowl and green peafowl are from Asia.

Peafowl originally lived in forests and rainforests, which is still their natural habitat.

Domesticated peafowl can live up to 50 years, while those in the wild usually live for about 20 years.

Male peacocks are typically twice the size of female peahens.

The colorful “tail” of a peacock is called a “train.”

All peafowl have bare patches of skin around their eyes, regardless of sex or species.

Peacocks can run at a speed of 10 miles per hour (16 kph).

Peacocks sometimes fly into trees to protect themselves from predators in the wild.

All species of peafowl have crests on their heads, but the design and color can vary between sexes and species.

Peafowl are highly sociable and prefer to live in small groups.

Baby peafowl are called chicks.

While peacocks are not endangered, the Congo peafowl is classified as vulnerable.

Peacocks display their feathers during the breeding season to impress peahens. They also guard their territory and create loud noises to deter other males.

Peacocks have been kept in captivity for over 2,000 years for religious or entertainment purposes.

In areas where peacocks are hunted, they remain shy and wary of their surroundings. However, Indian peacocks are protected in many parts of Asia for religious or personal reasons.

Peahens can lay up to six eggs at a time, and sometimes even more. They typically lay their eggs in the afternoon.

Peafowl typically consume a variety of plants, insects, and some reptiles and amphibians. These birds are known as a harem when in a group. Male peafowl have more than one partner in the wild and can have up to five female partners. The peacock’s bright and dramatic train is used to attract the attention of peahens. Peafowl have a large wingspan of around 4.9 feet and are one of the largest flying birds on earth. The Indian peacock is believed to be extinct in Bangladesh but is still popular in areas of Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka. The NBC television network in the USA has used the colorful peacock as its logo since 1956. Female peafowl are referred to as a bevy, muster, or party when in groups without males. Peacocks do not have tails when they are first born and do not look impressive until they are around three years old. Male peafowl replenish their feathers every year, which helps to maintain their vibrant color. The feathers of a peacock are covered in tiny crystals that play a significant role in attracting females. In conclusion, peafowl gender is differentiated between peacock and peahen.


1. What is a peacock?

A peacock is a male peafowl, a type of bird native to South Asia. They are known for their vibrant and colorful plumage.

2. What is the difference between a peacock and a peahen?

A peacock refers specifically to the male peafowl, while a peahen refers to the female. The term “peafowl” can be used to refer to both genders.

3. How many species of peafowl are there?

There are three species of peafowl: the Indian peafowl, the Green peafowl, and the Congo peafowl.

4. What do peacocks eat?

Peacocks are omnivores and eat a variety of foods including insects, plants, and small animals.

5. How long do peacocks live?

Peacocks can live up to 20 years in the wild and even longer in captivity.

6. Can peacocks fly?

Yes, peacocks can fly, but they prefer to stay on the ground.

7. Why do peacocks fan out their feathers?

Male peacocks fan out their feathers as a courtship display to attract females. The more vibrant and symmetrical their feathers, the more attractive they appear to potential mates.

8. What is the scientific name for peacocks?

The scientific name for the Indian peafowl, the most common species of peafowl, is Pavo cristatus.

9. Are peacocks endangered?

The Indian peafowl, the most common species of peafowl, is not considered endangered. However, the Green peafowl and Congo peafowl are both classified as endangered species due to habitat loss and hunting.

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