What is Hoodie-Hoo Day and How is it Celebrated?

Hoodie-Hoo Day is a unique celebration that takes place every year on February 20th. On this day, people engage in a peculiar activity to welcome the upcoming season of Spring.

So, what exactly is Hoodie-Hoo Day? It’s a day when people go outside at noon, raise their hands above their heads, and shout “Hoodie-Hoo” to drive away the winter season and invite the warmth of Spring.

This unusual way of encouraging the arrival of Spring is celebrated only in the United States and is a copyrighted holiday invented by Wellcat.com. This company has created several other unique holidays as well.

If you find Hoodie-Hoo Day interesting, you might also enjoy celebrating Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day, which is celebrated on May 29th.


1. What is Hoodie-Hoo Day?

Hoodie-Hoo Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 20th in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a day when people go outside at noon and shout “hoodie-hoo” to chase away winter and welcome the spring season.

2. Who celebrates Hoodie-Hoo Day?

Hoodie-Hoo Day is celebrated primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, where people are looking forward to the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Anyone can celebrate this fun and lighthearted holiday, regardless of age or cultural background.

3. When did Hoodie-Hoo Day start?

The origins of Hoodie-Hoo Day are unclear, but it is believed to have started in the United States in the 1990s. The holiday has become increasingly popular over the years, with people all over the world joining in the fun.

4. How do people celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day?

To celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day, people go outside at noon and shout “hoodie-hoo” three times. Some people also wear silly costumes or carry noisemakers to make the occasion even more festive.

5. What is the purpose of shouting “hoodie-hoo”?

The purpose of shouting “hoodie-hoo” is to chase away winter and welcome the spring season. It is believed that the noise and energy created by the shouting will help to drive away the cold and darkness of winter and bring in the warmth and light of spring.

6. Is Hoodie-Hoo Day a national holiday?

No, Hoodie-Hoo Day is not a national holiday in any country. It is a fun and lighthearted holiday that is celebrated by individuals and communities around the world.

7. Are there any traditional foods associated with Hoodie-Hoo Day?

There are no traditional foods associated with Hoodie-Hoo Day. However, some people may choose to celebrate the holiday by preparing and sharing spring-themed foods, such as salads, fruit, and grilled meats.

8. What are some other ways to celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day?

In addition to shouting “hoodie-hoo,” some other ways to celebrate Hoodie-Hoo Day include decorating your home or office with spring-themed decorations, planting flowers or other plants, and spending time outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

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