14 Fascinating Facts About Flatulence That You Need to Know

Did you know that the oldest joke in the world is actually a joke about farts?

Passing gas is just as natural as yawning or blinking.

It’s a bodily function that we can’t control and can’t avoid.

Factually speaking, there are many interesting things to learn about flatulence.

From the speed of a fart to why they smell and what they are made of, you can read all about it here with these fourteen fascinating facts!

99% of a fart is odorless.

Only 1% of a fart is made up of hydrogen sulfide, which smells extremely bad.

The other 99% is made up of non-smelling gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and methane.

The oldest joke in the world is a fart joke.

Toilet humor is universal – it doesn’t matter what language you speak when we’re all united in our bodily functions, but apparently, fart jokes are also timeless as well as universal.

The oldest known joke in history is a Sumerian proverb that dates back to 1900 BC that says, “Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.”

What a classic.

In Britain, they sometimes call a fart a “Trump.”

Yes, that’s right, President Fart.

There are many colloquialisms for farting and even more national – and even regional – variations around the world.

One such variation is the British slang term “Trump,” which is why your British friends will chuckle when you mention the former President by name.

As if Donald Trump didn’t have enough to worry about without the British laughing at his name!

Vegetarians fart more than meat-eaters.

Well, for the most part, anyway. Generally speaking, vegetarians tend to eat more beans than their meat-eating counterparts.

Beans contain carbohydrates made of molecules too large for absorption into the small intestine during digestion.

Because of this, they pass into the large intestine still intact, which increases certain bacteria to break them down, producing large amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide gas.

Although vegetarians may fart more, meat-eaters’ farts smell worse.

Due to the increased sulfur in meat, more hydrogen sulfide is created during digestion when meat is broken down.

Women’s farts smell worse than men’s.

In 2014, a study was conducted by a Flatologist, Dr. Michael Levitt, M.D., which found that women produce more hydrogen sulfide during digestion, and as a result, their farts smell worse.

Sorry ladies, you may be the winners of fart etiquette, but you’re the losers of this one!

Farts can be highly flammable.

This is because there is methane and hydrogen in your farts, both of which are flammable and can be ignited.

But don’t worry, you can’t explode by lighting one.

Farts are quicker than hoverboards.

A fart travels out of your body at a speed of 3.05 meters per second. That’s equivalent to 7 miles per hour!

While they may be faster than hoverboards, it’s still unclear whether they’re more combustible!

Your anus can differentiate between a fart and a bowel movement.

The sensory nerve endings in the rectum of a person can identify the distinction in sensation produced by each.

Nevertheless, there is an exception: diarrhea!

This is because of the liquid consistency, which confuses the sensory nerve endings.

Although it may be unpleasant, retaining farts is not fatal.

You’re not going to inflate like a big balloon and then burst!

The typical person farts between 14 – 22 times per day.

That’s 98 – 154 times per week, 392 – 616 times per month, and 5,110 – 8,030 times per year!

It’s impossible to go through life without farting.

Even if you hold them in all day, every day, and during sleep, your body’s natural processes will take over.

Your farts could have a fragrance of roses or chocolate…

In 2014, 65-year-old French artist and inventor Christian Poincheval created some pills made from 100% natural ingredients.

These tablets aid digestion and make your farts smell like roses or chocolate.

That’s what we call a sweet smell of success!

The scientific name for a fart is “flatulence.”

This is derived from the Latin word “flatus,” which means “blowing” and “wind.”


What are farts?

Farts are a mixture of gases that are expelled from the body through the rectum. They are made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane, as well as small amounts of other gases. Farts are produced by the bacteria in our intestines breaking down the food we eat.

Why do we fart?

We fart because of the gases produced by the bacteria in our intestines. As we digest food, gas is released and builds up in our intestines. When the pressure becomes too great, the gas is expelled from the body as a fart. Certain foods, such as beans and broccoli, are known to produce more gas than others.

Are farts bad for your health?

Farts are not generally harmful to your health, but they can be a sign of underlying health issues. If you experience excessive flatulence, it could be a sign of digestive problems, such as lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome. If you are concerned about your flatulence, you should speak to your doctor.

Can farts be ignited?

Yes, farts can be ignited under certain conditions. Methane, a component of farts, is flammable and can be ignited by a spark or flame. However, attempting to ignite a fart can be dangerous and is not recommended.

Do animals fart?

Yes, animals fart just like humans do. In fact, some animals, such as cows, produce a significant amount of methane through their flatulence, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Other animals, such as dogs and cats, also produce gas, but in smaller amounts.

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