15 Interesting Facts About Kangaroos

Did you know that there is a type of kangaroo that lives in trees? They are called tree kangaroos! Kangaroos are a well-known symbol of Australia and are a significant part of the country’s wildlife population.

There are many fascinating facts about kangaroos that people may not know. Here are 15 of the best:

Kangaroos are Environmentally Friendly

Kangaroos have a unique bacterium in their stomachs that breaks down food without producing methane. This is good for the environment and more efficient for the kangaroos.

Male Kangaroos Flex to Impress Females

Male kangaroos use their arms to show off their muscles to impress female kangaroos. The ones with larger biceps are more likely to attract a mate.

Kangaroos Can Defend Themselves

Kangaroos will lead predators, like humans or dingoes, into water to try to drown them. They can also back against a tree and kick, which has enough force to kill a human.

Kangaroos Hop Because They Have To

Kangaroos can’t move their legs independently, so they hop instead of walk. However, they can hop at speeds of over 35 miles per hour!

Female Kangaroos Can Pause Pregnancy

Female kangaroos are almost always pregnant. However, they can freeze embryo development until the current joey is ready to leave the pouch.

Kangaroos Have a Dominant Hand

Wild kangaroos often use their left hand for tasks like grooming and feeding.

Australia Has More Kangaroos Than Humans

As of 2015, there were 44 million kangaroos in Australia, compared to 24 million people. This is a significant increase from 2009 when there were only 27 million kangaroos.

Kangaroo Meat is Common in Australia

Kangaroo meat is not unusual to find on menus in Australia and is often used in dishes like kangaroo burgers.

Kangaroo meat is a healthy and sustainable option that is high in protein and low in fat. The kangaroo population is so abundant that consuming their meat is not a threat to their existence. However, kangaroos are often hit by cars in Australia, with 80% of animals hit being kangaroos. Rental car insurance policies in the Outback do not usually cover accidents caused by hitting a kangaroo. Some people in rural areas have metal bars on their cars to decrease the damage caused by hitting kangaroos.

There is a species of tree kangaroos that walk on all fours and are native to New Guinea and northeastern Queensland. Unfortunately, this species is on the decline due to deforestation and hunting. Kangaroos use their tails for balance and to push off the ground, which is equivalent to the power of their legs. They cannot move backwards due to their muscular tail.

Kangaroos do not sweat and tend to stay in shaded areas to cool down. They also lick their forearms and paws and rub the moisture on their chest to cool down. Male kangaroos are called boomers, females are called flyers, and babies are called joeys. A group of kangaroos is referred to as a mob, a troop, or a court. Newborn joeys are the size of a lima bean and stay in their mother’s pouch for 4 months before leaving for short periods of time until they are 10 months old.

Kangaroos: Fascinating Facts

Kangaroos are native to Australia and are more populous than humans in the southern hemisphere.

These marsupials possess some remarkable abilities; they are left-handed and can even pause their pregnancy.

Although they are unable to move backward, kangaroos tend to move forward and never look back.


1. What is the most common species of kangaroo?

The most common species of kangaroo is the red kangaroo, which is also the largest marsupial in the world. They can grow up to 6 feet tall and weigh up to 200 pounds. Red kangaroos are found throughout most of Australia, living in grasslands, woodlands, and savannas.

2. How fast can kangaroos run?

Kangaroos are known for their incredible speed and agility. The average speed of a kangaroo is around 15-20 miles per hour, but they can reach speeds of up to 44 miles per hour for short distances. This makes them one of the fastest animals in the world.

3. How do kangaroos defend themselves?

Kangaroos are equipped with powerful hind legs that they use to kick predators. Their kicks can be strong enough to kill a human or a dog. Kangaroos also have sharp claws on their front paws that they can use to scratch or grip onto an attacker.

4. Do kangaroos have pouches?

Yes, all female kangaroos have pouches where they carry their young, called joeys. The pouch is located on the front of their body and the joey stays inside until it is developed enough to leave and explore the outside world.

5. Can kangaroos swim?

Kangaroos are not known for their swimming abilities, but they can swim if they need to. They use their powerful hind legs to kick and their arms to paddle, but they are not very efficient in the water.

6. Are kangaroos endangered?

Most species of kangaroos are not considered endangered, but some smaller species, such as the tree kangaroo, are at risk due to habitat loss and hunting. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these unique animals and their habitats.

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