Facebook: A Global Obsession

With over half a billion daily users in 2011, Facebook has become a worldwide phenomenon. That’s equivalent to one out of every 13 people on the planet!

Discover some fascinating statistics and facts about the social media giant, highlighting its tremendous popularity over the years.

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As of 2011, there were 500 million active Facebook users, which means that one out of every 13 individuals on earth was using this platform.

Interestingly, 48% of 18 to 34-year-olds check Facebook immediately upon waking up, while the 35+ demographic now accounts for over 30% of the entire user base.

Moreover, 71.2% of the US web audience (206.2 million internet users) are Facebook users. Shockingly, 57% of people communicate more online than they do in real life, while 48% of young Americans rely on Facebook for news updates.

During New Year’s weekend, a staggering 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook, breaking all previous records. Within just 20 minutes, the platform sees over a million links shared, 1,484,000 event invites, 1,972,000 friend requests accepted, 2,716,000 photos uploaded, 2,716,000 messages sent, 1,323,000 tagged photos, 1,851,000 status updates, 1,587,000 wall posts, and 10,208,000 comments made!

If you enjoyed this article, check out our video on Facebook facts and social media.


1. What makes Facebook so popular?

There are a number of reasons why Facebook is so popular. One of the main reasons is that it allows people to connect with friends and family members from all over the world. Additionally, Facebook offers a range of features, such as the ability to share photos and videos, that make it easy for people to stay in touch. Another reason why Facebook is so popular is that it is free to use, which means that anyone with an internet connection can join.

2. How many people use Facebook?

As of 2021, Facebook has over 2.7 billion monthly active users. This makes it one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. Facebook is especially popular in countries such as the United States, India, and Brazil.

3. What are the dangers of using Facebook?

While Facebook can be a great way to connect with others, it is important to be aware of the potential dangers. For example, Facebook can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying, and it is important to be careful about what you post online. Additionally, Facebook has been criticized for its handling of user data, and there have been concerns about privacy breaches.

4. How has Facebook changed society?

Facebook has had a significant impact on society in a number of ways. For example, it has changed the way that people communicate with each other, making it easier and more convenient to stay in touch. Additionally, Facebook has played a role in shaping public opinion, and it has been used as a tool for political campaigns. Some people argue that Facebook has also contributed to the spread of fake news and misinformation.

5. How does Facebook make money?

Facebook makes money primarily through advertising. Advertisers pay to have their ads displayed on the Facebook platform, and Facebook earns revenue from these ads. Additionally, Facebook makes money through its Marketplace feature, which allows users to buy and sell goods and services.

6. What are some alternatives to Facebook?

There are a number of alternatives to Facebook, including social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Additionally, some people choose to use messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Signal to stay in touch with friends and family members.

7. Is Facebook addictive?

Some people do find Facebook to be addictive, and there is evidence to suggest that the site can trigger dopamine release in the brain. This can create a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction, which can lead to compulsive use of the site. However, not everyone who uses Facebook experiences addiction, and it is important to be mindful of your own usage patterns.

8. How has Facebook impacted mental health?

There is some evidence to suggest that Facebook use can have both positive and negative impacts on mental health. On the one hand, Facebook can provide a sense of connection and social support, which can be beneficial for mental health. On the other hand, excessive use of Facebook has been linked to feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

9. Can Facebook be used for business purposes?

Yes, Facebook can be a valuable tool for businesses. The site offers a range of advertising options, which can help businesses reach new customers and promote their products or services. Additionally, Facebook can be used to build relationships with customers and to provide customer service. Many businesses also use Facebook to share news and updates with their followers.

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