NUTS! – How the American Army Responded to a Christmas Demand for Surrender

The German demand for surrender was met with a quirky response that became a major morale booster for American troops. In late December 1944, as the Allies were advancing through Europe, Hitler launched a massive attack through the Ardennes, catching the Allied forces by surprise and pushing them back. Among the besieged soldiers were those from the 101st Airborne Division of the US Armed Forces, stationed in the Belgian town of Bastogne. The Germans sent envoys to the town offering fair terms for an “honorable surrender”.

The Terms of Surrender

The Commanding Officer of the besieged soldiers relayed the message to his superior, Brigadier General Anthony C. McAuliffe, who was asleep at the time. When he heard the Germans’ offer, he responded with “Aw nuts!” and didn’t know how to reply. One of his colleagues suggested that his initial response was hard to beat and McAuliffe agreed. So, an American response was typed up, simply stating “NUTS!”

An American Response to Tyranny

The German envoys were confused by the American response and asked if it was negative or affirmative. The American CO replied that it was decidedly not affirmative and warned the Germans of the heavy losses they would face if they continued with their attack. Three days later, General Patton and his 3rd Army broke the siege and scattered the German troops, and “NUTS!” became a major morale boost for American troops during the final push through Europe.


1. What was the NUTS! response?

The NUTS! response was the American Army’s reply to a Christmas call for surrender during World War II. It was a one-word answer sent by General Anthony McAuliffe to the German commander who demanded the surrender of American troops in the town of Bastogne, Belgium. The response was meant to show the determination and resilience of the American soldiers, and it became a symbol of the Allied victory in the Battle of the Bulge.

2. Why did the German commander demand surrender?

The German commander, General Heinrich von Lüttwitz, demanded the surrender of American troops in Bastogne because he believed that the town was surrounded and cut off from Allied support, and that the American soldiers were running out of supplies and ammunition. He hoped to use the capture of Bastogne as a springboard for a larger offensive against the Allied forces in Europe.

3. How did General McAuliffe respond to the demand?

General McAuliffe responded to the demand for surrender with the word “NUTS!” which was slang for “crazy” or “insane”. The response was meant to convey the American soldiers’ determination to fight on despite the difficult circumstances, and to show that they would not give up without a fight. The response was also intended to confuse the German commander and buy time for the American troops to regroup and reinforce their defenses.

4. What was the significance of the NUTS! response?

The significance of the NUTS! response was that it rallied the American troops in Bastogne and boosted their morale during a critical moment in the Battle of the Bulge. The response also showed the determination and resilience of the American soldiers, and it became a symbol of the Allied victory in the battle. The response has since become a part of American military lore, and it is often cited as an example of the courage and determination of American soldiers in the face of adversity.

5. Did the American troops in Bastogne surrender?

No, the American troops in Bastogne did not surrender. Despite being surrounded and cut off from Allied support, they held their ground and repelled several German attacks with the help of reinforcements and air support. The German offensive was eventually halted, and the American troops were able to break out of Bastogne and link up with other Allied forces.

6. How did the NUTS! response affect the outcome of the Battle of the Bulge?

The NUTS! response played a significant role in the outcome of the Battle of the Bulge by rallying the American troops in Bastogne and boosting their morale during a critical moment in the battle. The response also confused the German commander and bought time for the American troops to regroup and reinforce their defenses. The American victory in Bastogne was a turning point in the battle, and it helped to stop the German offensive in its tracks.

7. What is the legacy of the NUTS! response?

The legacy of the NUTS! response is that it has become a symbol of American military valor and determination. It is often cited as an example of the courage and resilience of American soldiers in the face of adversity, and it has become a part of American military lore. The response has also been immortalized in books, movies, and TV shows, and it has inspired generations of soldiers to uphold the values of duty, honor, and country in their service to the United States.

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