20 Fascinating Facts About the Harry Potter Films

Even the least financially successful Harry Potter movie made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight film.

If you’re a Harry Potter enthusiast, test your knowledge by discovering these twenty fascinating facts about the Harry Potter movies.

The role of Voldemort in the Harry Potter films was portrayed by six different actors.

The word “Dumbledore” was originally an English term for a bumblebee.

Despite being the least financially successful, a Harry Potter movie made $90 million more than the most lucrative Twilight film.

“Voldemort” means “flight of death” in French.

Shirley Henderson, who played Moaning Myrtle in the films, was actually 37 years old at the time of filming.

The driver and conductors of the bus in the movies were named after J.K. Rowling’s grandfathers.

The Weasley twins were not redheads in real life.

J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is the world’s first billionaire author.

King’s Cross Station has a board that displays “Platform 9 ¾”.

The original name for the Death Eaters was “Knights of Walpurgis”.

The motto of Hogwarts School translates to “Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon”.

During a scene in Professor McGonagall’s classroom, there were 60 animals present on set.

While filming a scene, a fruit bat became stuck in Hagrid’s beard.

The largest animal used on set was a hippopotamus, while the smallest was a centipede.

Over 250 animals were used throughout the Harry Potter film series.

More than 250,000 articles of clothing and 600 school uniforms were used in the movies.

The films featured 588 separate sets, with the Ministry of Magic being the largest.

The Hogwarts staircase features a total of 250 paintings.


1. What inspired J.K. Rowling to create the Harry Potter series?

J.K. Rowling was inspired to create the Harry Potter series while she was on a delayed train from Manchester to London. She said the idea of a boy who discovers he is a wizard came to her fully formed.

2. How did the actors react when they found out they had been cast in the movies?

Many of the actors who were cast in the Harry Potter movies were ecstatic when they found out. Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley, said he had to read the letter several times before it sunk in that he had been cast in the movie.

3. Who was originally cast to play Dumbledore?

Richard Harris was originally cast to play Dumbledore, but he passed away after filming the second movie. Michael Gambon was then cast to replace him.

4. How did the filmmakers create the flying scenes?

The flying scenes in the Harry Potter movies were created using a combination of wirework and computer-generated imagery (CGI). The actors were suspended on wires and then the wires were removed in post-production.

5. How did the filmmakers create the special effects for the spells?

The special effects for the spells in the Harry Potter movies were created using a combination of practical effects and CGI. For example, the spells that shot from wands were created using practical effects, while the more complex spells, like the Patronus charm, were created using CGI.

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