20 Fascinating Facts About Tutankhamuns Life

Did you know that Tutankhamun might have died from a hippo bite?

Throughout history, our world has had many influential leaders who have left their mark on humanity. While some are known as ruthless dictators, others are celebrated as the greatest contributors to civilization. Tutankhamun was one such famous leader who ruled over the New Kingdom of Egypt from 1332 to 1323 BC during the 18th dynasty. To understand his reign and personality, we need to know a few things about him. Hence, we have compiled 20 interesting facts about Tutankhamun for you to form your own opinion about him.

The Name ‘Tutankhamun’ Means ‘The Living Image of Amun’

The word ‘Amun’ (also known as ‘Amon’) refers to the Egyptian deity who was believed to be the king of gods. Tutankhamun’s name can also be spelled as Tutankhamen or Tutankhamon.

Tutankhamun’s Death Mask Is Made of Pure Gold

When we hear his name, the first thing that comes to mind is the mummy with a unique mask. We can recognize Tutankhamun only through his mask since his true face cannot be imagined. However, the mask was only used for his burial. There is no evidence to suggest that he wore it when he was alive.

Nobody Knows Who Tutankhamun’s Parents Were

It is commonly believed that he was the son or cousin of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was famous for his religious reforms.

Tutankhamun Was Nurtured by a Wet-Nurse Called Maia

Some historians speculate that Maia and Tutankhamun’s sister Meritaten were the same person. If that is true, the story becomes quite bizarre.

Tutankhamun Became Pharaoh at the Age of 9

He ruled the 18th dynasty as pharaoh for about 10 years. During his reign, he attempted to restore damaged relations with neighboring kingdoms.

Tutankhamun Married His Half-Sister Ankhesenamun

You may have heard of Nefertiti, who is now the symbol of female beauty. Ankhesenamun was her daughter.

Mummified Twins Were Found in Tutankhamun’s Tomb

After extensive research, scientists believe that the two fetuses found in his tomb were stillborn daughters of Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun.

Tutankhamun Died at the Age of 19

When scientists examined his mummified remains, they found evidence of malaria parasites and some type of bone disease.

Tutankhamun’s Tomb Is One of the Most Well-Preserved Pharaoh Tombs

The lavish artifacts associated with him, such as jewelry, furniture, pottery, and other objects, have been exhibited around the world, which has contributed to his popularity.

Did you know that Tutankhamun’s name was changed?

While growing up, he was called Tutankhaten because of his father’s belief in the god Aten, but he later changed his faith to Amen, an Egyptian god.

Tutankhamun did not agree with his father’s religious revolution and built new temples based on his own beliefs.

Tutankhamun may have been physically disabled.

Scientists discovered evidence of a rare bone disorder on his left foot when studying his mummy, and historians found multiple canes in his tomb, which supports this theory.

Despite this, Tutankhamun died as a teenager and did not live to use the canes.

The cause of Tutankhamun’s unexpected death is unknown.

Although there are several speculations, such as malaria parasites, a rare bone disorder, or an accident that led to infections in his left foot.

A hippopotamus may have been responsible for Tutankhamun’s death.

Dr. Brenson Harer from California State University theorized that Tutankhamun’s damaged ribs were the result of a hippo attack during a hunting event, which many pharaohs participated in.

Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922.

On November 4th of that year, one of the team’s water boys stumbled upon a rock that turned out to be the top of the stairway leading to Tutankhamun’s chamber.

Carter described the discovery as “the day of days.”

Recent research suggests that Tutankhamun’s burial was rushed.

The reason for the haste is unknown, but the paint on the walls of his chamber had not yet dried when he was placed inside.

Tutankhamun did not leave an heir.

Although his marriage to his half-sister, Ankhesenamun, was considered happy, none of their children survived infancy.

Grand vizier Ay and army general Horemheb were two of Tutankhamun’s most powerful advisors.

Given his young age, Tutankhamun likely needed powerful advisors to rule such a large civilization as Egypt.

Both Ay and Horemheb later became Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty.

After Tutankhamun’s death, Ay ruled for four years.

After Tutankhamun’s death, his wife wrote a letter to the Hittite king, Suppiluliuma I.

In the letter, Ankhesenamun asked Suppiluliuma I to send one of his sons to Egypt so she could marry him.

Although Suppiluliuma I sent his son, he disappeared, and it was believed that Ay ordered his killing to prevent him from marrying Ankhesenamun.

It is speculated that Ay may have killed Tutankhamun in order to take over his throne. After Tutankhamun’s death, Ay became the next pharaoh and married Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun’s widowed wife. Tutankhamun’s tomb contained an astounding 5,000 items, some of which were made of pure gold. Despite many people’s curiosity about the total value of the artifacts found in the tomb, it is impossible to accurately estimate due to the priceless value of every object. Additionally, there is a group of people who believe in the “Curse of the Pharaohs,” which claims that anyone who disturbs the tomb of King Tutankhamun will face death. Lord Carnarvon, Howard Carter’s patron, died just four months after the tomb was opened, and 11 other expedition members also lost their lives within 10 years of the discovery.


What is Tutankhamun known for?

Tutankhamun was a pharaoh of ancient Egypt who is well-known for his tomb, which was discovered nearly intact in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter. The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb is one of the most significant archaeological finds of the 20th century.

How did Tutankhamun die?

The exact cause of Tutankhamun’s death is still unknown, but scientists have theorized that he may have died of an infection or injury sustained from a fall or chariot accident. Some even speculate that he was murdered, although there is no concrete evidence to support this theory.

Why was Tutankhamun’s tomb not looted?

Tutankhamun’s tomb was not looted because it was hidden beneath the remains of other tombs, which protected it from grave robbers. Additionally, the entrance to the tomb was sealed with rubble, further deterring robbers. When Howard Carter discovered the tomb in 1922, it was nearly intact, with thousands of artifacts and treasures still inside.

What can we learn from Tutankhamun’s tomb?

Tutankhamun’s tomb provides valuable insight into the life and culture of ancient Egypt. The thousands of artifacts found inside the tomb, including jewelry, furniture, and everyday objects, give us a glimpse into the daily life of the pharaoh and his people. Additionally, the elaborate burial practices and rituals surrounding Tutankhamun’s death reveal much about ancient Egyptian religion and beliefs about the afterlife.

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