30 Interesting Facts About Tropical Fish

Did you know that Clownfish can survive up to five years in captivity?

The ocean is home to a vast array of captivating creatures, including thousands of tropical fish. Not only are they visually stunning, but they are also incredibly fascinating.

Discover 30 interesting facts about some of the most remarkable tropical fish in the world.

The Western Rainbowfish has black eyes, two dorsal fins, a deeply forked mouth, and black or silver bands across its scales. During courtship, the male displays its brightest colors.

The Siamese Fighter/Betta has an elaborate color scheme despite its small size, starting with a dark head and a lighter body, and finishing with reddish long fins. During mating, the male and female spiral around each other, fertilizing 10 to 45 eggs each time until all the female’s eggs are released.

The Kissing Gourami, a peach and silver-colored fish, has larger than normal lips for a Gourami. Although it’s usually a tolerant species, the “kissing” is actually how the fish fights with other males of its kind.

The Moonlight Gourami is an iridescent silverfish that develops a pastel green hue as it matures. Its iridescent shine comes from the small scales on its body.

The Molly Fish comes in a range of colors such as orange, green, and black. It’s difficult to stop Mollies from breeding, so buying a few may result in more than you bargained for.

The Golden Julie is a three-inch-long yellow fish with thick black stripes running horizontally across its body. It’s very territorial, even towards its own kin.

The Banded Rainbowfish, a bright and multicolored fish, has a horizontal dark black or blueish band stretching from its head to its tail fin. It scatters the eggs that it lays.

The Silver Scat is surprisingly silver in color, marked with large dark spots. As it ages, it develops a hunchback shape on its body.

The Sumatra Puffer, also known as the Figure 8 Puffer, is deep brown on the upper half of its body, with a white underside. Its markings on its back resemble little figure eights. Its facial anatomy gives it a very expressive face.

The Polka-Dot Loach becomes aggressive when not around fish of its own kind.

The Siamese Algae Eater is often mislabeled in fish stores, with many other fish confused with this species.

The Clown Loach is highly susceptible to fish diseases.

The Cherry Barb can be antisocial at times, making it look rather lonely even among its own species.

The Panda Loach is very expensive, costing approximately $145 (or approximately £100).

The male Odessa Barb, also known as the Scarlet Barb, has a bright red stripe running horizontally from head to tail. The females are silver and pink with a black spot above the pectoral fin.

The Black Ruby Barb may be your favorite if you dislike mosquitoes, as it eats their larvae when available.

The Red Rasbora, also known as the female Harlequin, lays its eggs on the underside of broad leaves. Despite the name, the Blind Cave Tetra has excellent eyesight, but as they mature, they lose their sight. The Yo-Yo Loach gets its name from the markings on its body that resemble Y’s and O’s. The female Pindu Fish incubates her eggs in her mouth and releases the fry when the eggs hatch. The Peppered Cory Catfish is active during the day, unlike most catfish that are active at night. The Ghost Catfish, also known as Glass Catfish, are small, nearly transparent catfish. The Emperor Tetra is peaceful and only fights with other males for territory. The Upside-Down Jellyfish spends its life upside-down because algae live inside its tissues, allowing it to feed off the food the algae produce through Photosynthesis. The male Red Platty is brighter and smaller than the female. Clown Fish can live up to five years in captivity. The Golden Gourami has a labyrinth organ that absorbs and sends oxygen directly into the bloodstream. The Rosy Bitterling Fish is a shy fish that thrives in tanks with hiding places and should be kept in groups of at least six. During mating rituals, the male Cobalt Zebra Fish displays “egg” spots on its tail. The Archer Fish uses strong and accurate small jets of water to “fire” at prey.


1. What makes a fish “tropical”?

Tropical fish are fish that are native to the tropical regions of the world, including the waters around the equator. These fish are often brightly colored and can be found in a variety of habitats, such as rivers, lakes, and coral reefs. They are popular among aquarium enthusiasts because of their vibrant colors and unique patterns.

2. How many species of tropical fish are there?

It’s difficult to give an exact number, as new species are still being discovered. However, it’s estimated that there are over 30,000 species of tropical fish. Some of the most popular species include angelfish, clownfish, and neon tetras.

3. What do tropical fish eat?

The diet of a tropical fish can vary depending on the species. Some fish are herbivores and primarily eat algae and plant matter, while others are carnivores and feed on other fish, shrimp, and other small aquatic animals. Many tropical fish are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter.

4. How long do tropical fish live?

The lifespan of a tropical fish can vary widely depending on the species. Some fish, like guppies, may only live for a year or two, while others, like koi, can live for several decades. Proper care, including maintaining a healthy environment and providing a balanced diet, can help tropical fish live longer.

5. Can tropical fish live in freshwater?

Yes, many species of tropical fish can live in freshwater. In fact, some of the most popular tropical fish for aquariums, like tetras and guppies, are freshwater fish. However, it’s important to note that not all tropical fish can live in freshwater, and some require specific water conditions to thrive.

6. Are tropical fish easy to care for?

It depends on the species. Some tropical fish are relatively easy to care for and can be good choices for beginner aquarists, while others require more specialized care. It’s important to research the specific needs of any species of tropical fish before bringing them into your home aquarium. Proper care can help ensure that your fish stay healthy and happy for years to come.

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