37 Fascinating Details About Jeff Bezos

Initially, Jeff Bezos wanted to name his online retail giant “Cadabra,” but changed his mind after people kept mishearing it as “cadaver.”

Jeff Bezos is one of the first people to come to mind when discussing entrepreneurship. He founded Amazon, one of the world’s largest online retailers, when many people were unaware of the Internet’s existence. He is also known for being one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. However, there are many lesser-known facts about his life that are intriguing.

Here are 37 facts about Jeff Bezos that entrepreneurs may find interesting:

Jeff Bezos is 59 years old. He was born on January 12, 1964. His zodiac sign is Capricorn, which is known for being intelligent, disciplined, and composed of natural-born leaders.

Jeff Bezos’ mother, Jacklyn Gise, gave birth to him when she was only 16, and his father, Ted Jorgensen, was 18. They divorced after being married for just seventeen months. Jeff later took his mother’s second husband’s surname, Bezos.

At the age of 16, Jeff Bezos worked at McDonald’s as a summer job. Bezos believes that this job made him more responsible and better at working under pressure. It also sparked his interest in service automation, customer service, and employee management.

Bezos initially went to Princeton University to study physics but later switched to electrical engineering and computer science. He graduated in 1986 with the highest distinction.

Jeff Bezos had a successful career trajectory in his twenties, starting as a debugger at Fitel and rising to become head of development and director of customer service. He later became the vice president at D.E Shaw, his last position before founding Amazon.

Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife, Mackenzie Scott. She received 25% of their Amazon stock worth $35.6 billion in their 2019 divorce settlement.

Bezos originally considered naming his company “Cadabra,” but changed it after people misheard it as “cadaver.” He had other name ideas, such as “MakeItSo” and “Relentless,” but chose “Amazon” because it began with the letter “a,” which was crucial for visibility, and he liked the connection to the world’s largest river.

During the early years of Amazon, Jeff Bezos used a door as his desk to save money, as doors were more affordable. Over time, door desks became a symbol of frugality at Amazon.

Jeff Bezos is obsessed with customers and views their feedback as a chance to improve, which is reflected in one of Amazon’s leadership principles.

Bezos has a public Amazon email address, and when he comes across interesting customer complaints, he forwards them to Amazon executives with a single question mark.

Jeff Bezos became a millionaire at the age of 33 and a billionaire at the age of 35.

Despite being worth $10 billion in 1999, Bezos still drove a 1997 Honda Accord.

Jeff Bezos washes dishes every night and jokingly calls it one of the sexiest things he does. Many entrepreneurs enjoy washing dishes, which studies suggest can reduce stress and enhance creativity.

Jeff Bezos founded Blue Origin, a space exploration company, on September 8, 2000, two years before Elon Musk’s SpaceX and four years before Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic. Bezos has stated that it is his most important work.

During an interview with Shah Rukh Khan in Mumbai, Jeff Bezos confessed that he is superstitious and wears lucky boots to prevent failure during every Blue Origin rocket launch. In 2003, Bezos survived a helicopter crash caused by strong winds that made the pilot lose control. Fortunately, all passengers survived without serious injuries. Bezos also had dinner with Elon Musk in 2004 to discuss space. He used a Blackberry phone in 2012 and loved it so much that he used it as inspiration for the design of the first Kindle. Bezos is a Star Trek fan and even named his dog Kamala and his company Zefram after show characters. He had a cameo in the 2016 film “Star Trek Beyond” as an alien. Bezos briefly became the wealthiest person in the world in 2017 and surpassed Bill Gates in 2018, but Elon Musk replaced him in 2021. Although Bezos has not signed the Giving Pledge yet, his ex-wife did in 2019. Bezos bought two paintings in 2019 and the Warner Estate in February 2020 for $165 million. He stepped down as the CEO of Amazon on July 5, 2021, and fulfilled his childhood dream of going to space on July 20, 2021, aboard a Blue Origin rocket. Bezos is also known for his adventurous palate and banning Microsoft PowerPoint in executive meetings at Amazon.

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has maintained an annual salary of $81,840 for more than two decades, which is considered to be a typical income of the middle-class Americans. However, due to the significant increase in the value of Amazon’s stock, Bezos has become one of the wealthiest people in the world. Despite his success, some people have noticed that his laugh has become more villainous as he’s gotten richer.

Security for Jeff Bezos is a top priority for Amazon, with the company spending $1.6 million every year on it. In addition, bulletproof panels worth $180,000 have been installed in his office in Seattle. Interestingly, the net worth of Jeff Bezos is more than the GDP of several countries.

While some people may criticize Jeff Bezos for his wealth, there is more to know about him beyond that. He has a talent for making jokes even after experiencing life-threatening incidents, and he isn’t afraid to break the norm. Furthermore, he had humble beginnings that serve as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs. Those who wish to start their own business can also learn from his business principles that have made Amazon the successful company it is today.

Regardless of how one feels about Jeff Bezos, it’s undeniable that he has achieved a level of success that few people could achieve in multiple lifetimes.


1. Who is Jeff Bezos?

Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist. He is the founder, CEO, and chairman of Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer.

2. How did Jeff Bezos become successful?

Jeff Bezos became successful by recognizing the potential of the internet and building Amazon into the world’s largest online retailer. He also has a strong vision, relentless work ethic, and willingness to take risks.

3. What is Jeff Bezos’ net worth?

According to Forbes, Jeff Bezos’ net worth is currently estimated at $199.7 billion, making him the richest person in the world.

4. What other companies does Jeff Bezos own?

Aside from Amazon, Jeff Bezos owns Blue Origin, a space exploration company, and The Washington Post, a major U.S. newspaper.

5. What is Jeff Bezos’ leadership style?

Jeff Bezos is known for his intense focus on customer satisfaction and his willingness to take risks and experiment. He also values data-driven decision making and encourages his employees to think big and embrace failure.

6. What is Jeff Bezos’ philanthropic work?

Jeff Bezos has made several substantial charitable donations, including a $2 billion pledge to support education and homelessness initiatives. He also launched the Day 1 Families Fund to help homeless families and the Bezos Earth Fund to address climate change.

7. What is Jeff Bezos’ legacy?

Jeff Bezos’ legacy will be his impact on the world of e-commerce and his contributions to space exploration. He has also set a high bar for innovation and customer satisfaction, inspiring countless entrepreneurs to follow in his footsteps.

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