9 Foods That Have Been Given New Names to Increase Their Appeal

During a locust plague in Australia, the government started calling them “sky prawns” to make them more attractive to consumers.

The name of a food can be a game-changer. Would you rather have Patagonian Toothfish or Chilean Sea Bass? Would you consider eating locusts?

How about a Sky Prawn Sandwich? Would you pay more for “fruit preserve” instead of “jam”?

The truth is, the way a food is described can significantly impact our desire to eat it and what we’re willing to pay for it. This is why food producers, manufacturers, and marketers often choose names that make their products sound as appetizing and premium as possible.

The infographic below highlights nine foods that were renamed to improve their appeal to consumers, whether it was to increase sales or change a negative perception.

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1. Why do food companies rename their products?

Food companies rename their products to make them more appealing to consumers. A new name can create excitement and help boost sales. For example, a product that was once called “low-fat” may be renamed “healthy” to appeal to a wider audience.

2. What are some examples of foods that have been renamed?

Some examples of foods that have been renamed include: kiwi fruit (formerly Chinese gooseberry), prunes (formerly dried plums), rapeseed oil (formerly canola oil), and sea bass (formerly Patagonian toothfish).

3. How do food companies come up with new names?

Food companies may hire marketing firms or use in-house teams to come up with new names for their products. They may conduct consumer research to understand what names are most appealing to their target audience.

4. Does renaming a food product change its nutritional value?

No, renaming a food product does not change its nutritional value. The ingredients and nutritional information listed on the label will remain the same.

5. Are there any downsides to renaming food products?

One downside to renaming food products is that it can be confusing for consumers. If a consumer is used to buying a product under a certain name, a sudden change can be jarring. Additionally, some consumers may be skeptical of a product that has been renamed, thinking that the company is trying to hide something.

6. Is there a limit to how many times a food product can be renamed?

There is no limit to how many times a food product can be renamed, but it may not always be a good idea. Constantly changing a product’s name can create confusion and make it more difficult for consumers to find the product they are looking for.

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