9 Interesting Facts About Blue Tang Fish

Blue tang fish have the ability to alter their color depending on their mood, and when they feel stressed, their color changes to a darker shade of violet.

The blue tang fish, also known as Paracanthurus hepatus, is an adorable little fish that can be found in the tropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific region, which includes the tropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

An adult blue tang fish can grow up to 12 inches (30cm) long and weigh up to 21 oz (600g).

While many people may not recognize the name “blue tang,” they would likely recognize the fish from its appearance in the popular animated film Finding Nemo, as the character Dory is a blue tang.

Despite being popularized by Finding Nemo, the blue tang fish has been a common resident of aquariums around the world for quite some time.

Let’s take a closer look at the blue tang fish and discover what makes it so unique!

The blue tang fish has many names.

While “blue tang” is the most common name for Paracanthurus hepatus, it goes by many others as well, including “palette surgeonfish,” “blue surgeonfish,” “doctorfish,” and “flagtail surgeonfish.”

Other names for the blue tang fish include “regal blue tang,” “Pacific blue tang,” and even “letter 6 fish!”

There is another fish called the blue tang.

There is another species of fish called the blue tang, scientifically known as Acanthurus coeruleus, that looks somewhat similar to Paracanthurus hepatus, but can only be found on the other side of the world.

The Atlantic blue tang, as it is also known, lives in tropical reefs along the east coast of the Americas, from New York to Brazil.

The blue tang fish became famous thanks to Disney and Pixar.

Most people recognize the blue tang fish from its appearance in the popular animated films Finding Nemo and Finding Dory.

Dory, the lovable yet forgetful companion to Marlin in Finding Nemo, became so popular that she was the central character in the 2016 sequel, Finding Dory.

The blue tang fish is not always blue.

Contrary to its portrayal in Finding Dory, the blue tang fish is not always bright blue in color.

The movie shows us a young Dory who looks like a small version of her adult self. Juvenile blue tangs may seem cute, but they are actually bright yellow with blue-tipped fins. Adult blue tangs can change their colors to some extent depending on their mood. When stressed, their color changes to a darker violet hue. Blue tangs play a crucial role in the coral reef life cycle by living off a mostly vegetarian diet. They eat algae off coral that would otherwise overgrow and suffocate the coral. Coral reefs provide a home for thousands of fish species that cannot survive anywhere else. Blue tangs are social fish that enjoy hanging out with other fish, not just their own kind. They cannot be bred in captivity, so all the blue tangs in aquariums are caught in the wild. Despite their slim appearance, blue tangs are nearly all bone and are commonly poisonous, causing ciguatera poisoning in those who eat their flesh.

Although the fish themselves are not poisonous, they can be dangerous due to the toxins produced by dinoflagellates, a type of microscopic plankton.

Watch out for Blue Tangs!

Blue tangs, a type of surgeonfish, are named after the sharp barbs near their tails. They can seriously injure other fish by thrashing their tails when in danger. If you try to pick them up by hand, you may end up with a cut-up hand. Moreover, their spines are venomous, which can incapacitate other fish. While humans may not be seriously injured, they will definitely regret messing with these fish.

Blue tangs are popular in the wild and have gained more attention through the movies Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. However, keeping them in marine aquariums may not be the best idea as they pose risks. Perhaps it’s best to admire them in their digital form by re-watching the movies?


1. What is a Blue Tang fish?

A Blue Tang fish is a tropical marine fish that is commonly found in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is also known as a Pacific Blue Tang, Regal Tang, or Hippo Tang. The fish is characterized by its bright blue color and black markings on its body. It has a small mouth and sharp teeth, which it uses to feed on algae and small invertebrates.

2. How big can a Blue Tang fish grow?

A Blue Tang fish can grow up to 12 inches in length and weigh up to 1 pound. The average size of a Blue Tang fish is around 8 inches long. Juvenile Blue Tang fish have a bright yellow color, which changes to blue as they mature.

3. Where do Blue Tang fish live?

Blue Tang fish are commonly found in the coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, ranging from East Africa to Australia and Japan. They prefer shallow waters and can be found at depths of up to 130 feet.

4. Are Blue Tang fish easy to care for in an aquarium?

While Blue Tang fish are popular in the aquarium trade, they require a large tank with ample space to swim and hide. They also need a balanced diet of algae and meaty foods, as well as a well-maintained aquarium with proper filtration and water quality. Due to their active nature and size, Blue Tang fish may not be suitable for beginner aquarium hobbyists.

5. Do Blue Tang fish have any predators?

Blue Tang fish are preyed upon by larger fish, sharks, and marine mammals such as dolphins and sea lions. They use their bright blue color as a form of camouflage in the coral reefs, but are also known to hide in crevices and caves to avoid predators.

6. Can Blue Tang fish be kept with other fish in an aquarium?

Blue Tang fish are generally peaceful and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish in a community aquarium. However, they may become territorial and aggressive towards other Blue Tang fish or fish with a similar body shape or coloration. It is best to keep them in a larger aquarium with plenty of hiding spaces to reduce aggression.

7. Are Blue Tang fish endangered?

Blue Tang fish are not currently considered endangered, but they are threatened by habitat destruction, overfishing, and the aquarium trade. It is important to only purchase Blue Tang fish from reputable sources that practice sustainable and ethical harvesting methods to protect wild populations.

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