Differences between Clementine, Orange, Satsuma & Tangerine

Clementines, oranges, satsumas, and tangerines are all kinds of mandarins that were initially grown in China.

What sets oranges apart from other orange-looking fruits? To find out, let’s explore the facts!

What Are Clementines, Oranges, Satsumas & Tangerines?

Clementines, oranges, satsumas, and tangerines are all types of mandarins that were initially grown in China and regarded as fruit for the upper class. It wasn’t until the 1900s that they were exported to Europe.

All of them are citrus fruits.


Clementines are slightly smaller than oranges and have a few seeds in the middle. The skin is thin and easy to peel, with a glossy sheen. They have a sour taste and are grown worldwide. They are believed to be named after Father Pierre Clement, who accidentally bred the fruit in his garden in Oman.


Oranges are a cross between a pomelo and a mandarin. They were initially grown in China but are now commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Oranges are sweet to eat, and the skin is very fragrant. You can eat them fresh, and the peel is also usable in cooking. Orange juice is also a common product.


Satsumas come from the Japanese province of Satsuma. They are also known as mikan in Japan and date back to the 15th century. They have a loose skin that peels easily and are usually sweet, but they can be bitter if picked too early. Satsumas are mainly seedless.


Tangerines have a harder skin than the previous three and are slightly knobbed like oranges. They are less sweet and can be used in salads. Tangier, a port in Morocco, where mandarins were imported, gave them their name.


1. What are the main differences between clementines, oranges, satsumas, and tangerines?

Clementines, oranges, satsumas, and tangerines are all types of citrus fruit, but they differ in size, appearance, taste, and origin. Clementines are small, seedless, and easy to peel, with a sweet and juicy flavor. Oranges are larger, with a thick orange skin and a tangy or sweet taste, depending on the variety. Satsumas are small and round, with a thin skin and a sweet and mild flavor. Tangerines are also small and easy to peel, with a distinctive sweet and tangy taste. Clementines and satsumas are usually imported from Spain or Morocco, while oranges and tangerines are grown in many parts of the world.

2. Are clementines and mandarins the same thing?

Clementines and mandarins are closely related, but they are not exactly the same thing. Clementines are a hybrid of mandarins and sweet oranges, and they have a thinner and smoother skin, a sweeter taste, and fewer seeds than most mandarins. Mandarins, on the other hand, are a group of citrus fruits that includes several varieties, such as satsumas, tangerines, and clementines. They are smaller than oranges, with a thin and loose skin, and they are often easier to peel and eat than other citrus fruits.

3. Can you use clementines or oranges in place of tangerines?

While clementines and oranges can be used in place of tangerines in most recipes, they may not provide the same flavor or texture. Tangerines have a distinct sweet and tangy taste that sets them apart from other citrus fruits, and their thin skin and small size make them ideal for snacking and juicing. Clementines and oranges are sweeter and juicier than tangerines, but they may be too soft or too tart for some recipes. If you cannot find tangerines, you can try using a combination of clementines and oranges to get a similar flavor and texture.

4. Which citrus fruit is the healthiest?

All citrus fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but some may be healthier than others depending on the specific nutrient profile. Oranges, for example, are high in vitamin C, folate, and potassium, while tangerines are rich in vitamin A, folate, and beta-carotene. Clementines and satsumas are also good sources of vitamin C and fiber, and they are lower in calories and sugar than many other fruits. Overall, incorporating a variety of citrus fruits into your diet can provide many health benefits, such as boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and improving skin health.

5. How do you choose ripe clementines, oranges, satsumas, and tangerines?

When choosing ripe citrus fruits, look for ones that are firm, heavy, and free of soft spots or bruises. The skin should be smooth, shiny, and brightly colored, with no signs of discoloration or mold. For clementines and tangerines, the skin should be loose and easy to peel, and the fruit should have a sweet and fragrant aroma. Oranges and satsumas may be a bit harder to judge, as they come in many varieties with different degrees of sweetness and acidity. In general, choose oranges that feel heavy for their size and have a mildly sweet or tangy scent, and select satsumas that have a thin and easy-to-peel skin and a sweet and juicy flavor.

6. What are some popular recipes that use clementines, oranges, satsumas, or tangerines?

Citrus fruits are versatile ingredients that can be used in many sweet and savory dishes, from salads and salsas to cakes and cocktails. Some popular recipes that feature clementines, oranges, satsumas, or tangerines include citrus salad with honey dressing, orange-glazed chicken or salmon, clementine and almond cake, tangerine and cranberry sauce, satsuma and avocado salsa, and blood orange margarita. These recipes showcase the unique flavor and texture of each citrus fruit, and they are easy to customize to your taste preferences.

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