Interesting Facts About 7 Up

Were you aware that 7 Up’s initial name was “Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda”?

Although not as famous as Coca-Cola, 7 Up is still one of the leading soda brands worldwide.

This refreshing lemon-lime flavored soda is perfect for hot summer days.

Since 1929, 7 Up has been able to establish itself as a well-known brand.

However, being around for so long also means that there are some fascinating facts and history to learn about!

7 Up Originated from Orange Soda

The founder of 7 Up, Charles Leiper Grigg, was an advertising and marketing employee who was dissatisfied with his job at an orange soda company.

He eventually quit his job and created his own orange soda, which he called “Howdy.”

Unfortunately, Howdy was unsuccessful due to Orange Crush being its primary competitor and not containing any actual orange juice.

Instead, it only had essential oils found in orange rinds, which was not enough to compete with doctors now telling people how important Vitamin C is.

Grigg began testing many different formulas over the course of two years until he developed “Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda.”

It was eventually shortened to “7Up Lithiated Lemon Soda” and then to just “7Up.”

The Original Recipe Contained Lithium

Before the FDA banned lithium in beer and soft drinks in 1948, it was used by many people as an anti-depressant and mood lifter.

Grigg saw a business opportunity and realized that packing his new beverage with lithium was a great marketing strategy.

And he was right! Ingesting lithium in the form of a tasty and refreshing soft drink, 7Up was a success, even considering it was introduced right as The Great Depression hit.

With his background in advertisement and marketing from his previous employment, it’s no wonder he was able to come up with this brilliant idea.

Of course, when lithium was banned from beverages, the formula for 7Up was changed two years later along with many other notable soft drinks that contained mind-altering substances.

But we can still enjoy it for what it is – a delicious and bubbly drink!

No One Knows the Origin of the Name 7 Up

Despite knowing the history of the name’s shortening to 7Up, the exact meaning or origin is still unknown!

There are a few theories, however.

The original recipe of 7Up contained only seven ingredients, which were sugar, carbonated water, the essence of lemon and lime oils, citric acid, sodium citrate, and lithium citrate. Lithium was considered a beneficial mood enhancer, which is where the “Up” aspect of the name comes in.

When 7Up was first sold, it was produced in 7-ounce bottles. Most of the other competitor soft drinks were only sold in 6-ounce bottles.

Another theory is that Charles Grigg happened to see cattle branded with a similar mark. He realized that having such a brand for his new drink would help identify his beverage to consumers.

There are various theories about the origin of the name “7Up”. One theory suggests that it is a reference to the atomic mass of lithium, which was originally an ingredient in the soft drink. Another theory is that the creator, Grigg, came up with the name on the spot while playing a game of craps and winning with sevens. Yet another theory suggests that Grigg won a fortune at poker thanks to the seventh “up” card he was dealt. Despite these theories, it is unknown which, if any, are true. Grigg took the answer to his grave. Do you have a theory? Share in the comments. Regardless, next time you crack open a can of 7Up, impress your friends with these interesting facts.


1. What is the history of 7 Up?

7 Up was created in 1929 by Charles Leiper Grigg in St. Louis, Missouri. The name “7 Up” referred to the seven main ingredients in the original recipe. The drink was initially marketed as a hangover cure and contained lithium citrate, a mood stabilizer. In the 1950s, the lithium was removed from the recipe, but the drink’s popularity continued to grow. Today, 7 Up is owned by PepsiCo and is sold in more than 100 countries.

2. Is 7 Up a healthier alternative to other soft drinks?

7 Up is often marketed as a healthier alternative to other soft drinks because it does not contain caffeine or artificial colors. However, it still contains high levels of sugar and is considered an unhealthy beverage when consumed in excess. The American Heart Association recommends limiting sugary drink consumption to no more than 36 ounces per week, which includes 7 Up.

3. What flavors of 7 Up are available?

Original 7 Up is a lemon-lime flavored soda, but there are several other flavors available as well. These include Cherry 7 Up, Diet 7 Up, 7 Up Retro, 7 Up Cherry Splash, and 7 Up Pomegranate. There have also been limited edition flavors released, such as 7 Up Tropical and 7 Up Mojito.

4. Does 7 Up have any interesting cultural references?

7 Up has been referenced in several popular culture works. In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” character Andy Dufresne orders a 7 Up while in a bar. In the TV show “Breaking Bad,” the character Jesse Pinkman refers to 7 Up as “the greatest soft drink ever invented.” Additionally, the brand has had several celebrity endorsements over the years, including Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, and Coolio.

5. How is 7 Up used in cooking?

7 Up can be used in cooking as a substitute for other liquids, such as water or milk. It is often used in recipes for cakes, biscuits, and marinades. The carbonation in 7 Up can help create a light and fluffy texture in baked goods. Additionally, 7 Up is sometimes used as a mixer in cocktails, such as a Seven and Seven or a Shirley Temple.

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