Texas Hold Em Poker Statistics

The odds of getting a royal flush hand in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker are 649,739 to 1.

Poker is a versatile card game that can be played for fun with family or competitively with high stakes that may require you to sell your house to cover the costs.

There are various types of poker games, but Texas Hold ‘Em is the most popular worldwide.

Here are some poker facts and statistics that can help you understand the game’s chances of winning and the likelihood of getting the cards you want.

Did You Know?

A pocket pair is a pair of cards with the same rank, such as two sixes or two sevens, which can help you create a strong hand and win the game.

  • The odds of getting any pocket pair are 5.9%, which is 16 to 1. These are also the same odds of getting a pair of twos.
  • The odds of getting a specific pocket pair are 0.45%, or 220 to 1. These are the same odds of getting a pair of aces.
  • The odds of getting a pair of aces twice in a row are 0.002047%, or 48,840 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of kings or better are 0.9%, which is 220 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of queens or better are 1.4%, which is 73 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of jacks or better are 1.8%, which is 54 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of tens or better are 2.3%, which is 43 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of nines or better are 2.7%, which is 36 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of eights or better are 3.2%, which is 31 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of sevens or better are 3.6%, which is 27 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of sixes or better are 4.1%, which is 24 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of fives or better are 4.5%, which is 21 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of fours or better are 5.0%, which is 19 to 1.
  • The odds of getting a pair of threes or better are 5.4%, which is 17 to 1.

Poker Fast Facts

A standard 52-card deck has only four possible royal flush hands.

The odds of getting a royal flush are 649,739 to 1, assuming that every game plays to the river.

In poker terms, the river is the fifth card dealt, face-up on the board.

There are 2,598,960 possible poker hands with a 52-card deck.

The odds of getting four of a kind in Texas Hold ‘Em are 4164 to 1.

Casinos typically change decks after 15 minutes of steady play to keep the cards fresh and unmarked. Professional players can remember markings on the cards and use them to gain an advantage.

This is just a basic overview of poker odds. Many calculators are available online to help calculate the odds of getting specific hands based on the game stage, current cards, and the number of players.

Improve Your Poker Strategy with Knowledge of Odds

Having a good understanding of the odds in poker can give you an advantage when playing tournaments. With this knowledge, you can make more informed decisions and improve your overall strategy.


1. What is Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

Texas Hold ‘Em Poker is a popular card game played with a standard deck of 52 cards. The game involves each player being dealt two cards face down, followed by five community cards that are revealed in stages. The objective is to make the best five-card hand using any combination of the two personal cards and the five community cards.

2. How do you win at Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

To win at Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, a player must have the best hand at the end of the game. This can be achieved by either having the highest ranking hand or by forcing all other players to fold their cards before the end of the game. It’s important to have a solid understanding of hand rankings, as well as how to read your opponents’ behavior and betting patterns.

3. What are the odds of getting a royal flush in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

The odds of getting a royal flush in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker are approximately 1 in 649,740. This is because a royal flush requires a specific sequence of cards – Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and Ten – all of the same suit.

4. How important is position in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

Position is crucial in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, as it determines the order of play and can greatly impact a player’s ability to make strategic decisions. Players who act last have a distinct advantage, as they are able to see how other players have bet and can adjust their own strategy accordingly. Players who act first, on the other hand, have less information to work with and may be forced to make riskier bets.

5. What is a ‘bluff’ in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

A bluff is a strategy used in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker where a player makes a bet or raise with a weak hand in an attempt to deceive their opponents into thinking they have a strong hand. Bluffing can be a high-risk, high-reward tactic, as it requires the player to convince their opponents that they have a better hand than they actually do.

6. How do you calculate pot odds in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

To calculate pot odds in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, a player must compare the amount of chips in the pot to the amount of chips required to make a call. For example, if there are 100 chips in the pot and a player needs to call a bet of 20 chips, the pot odds are 5:1. This means that the player’s chances of winning must be greater than 1 in 5 in order to make the call profitable.

7. What is the ‘flop’ in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

The flop is the second stage of Texas Hold ‘Em Poker, where the first three community cards are revealed. This is a crucial moment in the game, as it allows players to start building their hand and make strategic decisions based on the cards that are available.

8. What is a ‘bad beat’ in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker?

A bad beat is a term used in Texas Hold ‘Em Poker to describe a situation where a player with a strong hand loses to a player with a weaker hand due to a lucky draw. This can be frustrating for the losing player, as they may have played their hand correctly but still lost due to factors outside of their control.

9. How do you improve your Texas Hold ‘Em Poker skills?

To improve your Texas Hold ‘Em Poker skills, it’s important to practice regularly and study the game’s strategies and rules. Watching professional players and analyzing their gameplay can also be helpful. Additionally, having a solid understanding of probability and statistics can help you make informed decisions and improve your overall gameplay.

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