The Fascinating History of Fridge Magnets

The initial commercial refrigerator was developed by Fred W. Wolf and wasn’t accessible until 1913.

Most of us have grown up with magnets decorating our fridges, but we’ve never really questioned why.

It’s becoming increasingly usual to find a household fridge that is covered in some sort of magnet, whether it’s a promotional magnet or a souvenir.

If you’re a curious person, then maybe you’ve stood in front of your fridge and wondered why we use them and how they came to be.

We’re going to explore the history of fridge magnets and clarify how these useful placeholders ended up on our fridges.

Before we do that, though, it’s best if we quickly refresh what magnets are exactly.

What exactly are magnets?

For thousands of years, we’ve known about magnetism, but it wasn’t until recently that we figured out what it is and how it works.

The ancient Greeks were some of the first people to discover that one type of stone would attract other iron-rich stones.

The ancient Chinese were the first to discover the use of magnetism to point a piece of metal in a constant direction, using their early forms of the compass to practice Feng Shui.

So what are magnets?

By definition, they’re objects that give out magnetic fields, which in turn attract metals such as steel, iron, nickel, and cobalt.

Magnets can take numerous shapes and forms.

Some are created by mixing iron and another element such as vinyl or ceramic, which are then magnetized (changed so they also have a magnetic field) by a more powerful magnetic source.

Another common form of magnet is an electromagnet, which is a critical component in most types of motors.

These magnets are continually being recharged and magnetized by an electric current, which makes them very strong magnets.

You can learn more about what magnets are and how they work here.

What are magnets used for?

As we’ve already mentioned, we’ve known about magnets for thousands of years already, with the earliest records dating back to around 2500 years ago in Greece, India, and China.

By around 1200 C.E., it was discovered that you could use a magnet to give you a true bearing of north or south, and from this discovery, compasses were born.

Compasses completely revolutionized how we travel and see the world, allowing travelers to navigate without using the sun or stars, which was generally more unreliable.

Fast forward to the 20th century, and magnets were beginning to be used in a wide variety of ways in electronics, motors, and so on.

How did we start to use magnets on our fridges?

It wasn’t until 1913 that the first commercial fridge was invented by a man named Fred W. Wolf.

Although fridges didn’t see widespread use until General Electric released their “Monitor-Top” fridge in 1927.

It wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that magnets began to be used on fridges after their invention. Initially, plastic numbers or letters with magnets were commonly used as teaching aids. The first fridge magnets for their intended purpose were invented by Sam Hardcastle, who was tasked with inventing magnetic letters and numbers for the space industry. Hardcastle mixed iron oxide with vinyl to create completely magnetic magnets that held onto surfaces better. He started an advertising company that sold some of the world’s first magnetic fridge advertisements and specialized magnets for each US state with interesting notes. William Zimmerman acquired the first patent for a new type of fridge magnets in the 1970s, which were small cartoons that were useful for holding things on fridges. Fridge magnets rapidly gained popularity around the world and were used to hold notices, photos, and drawings. They became more colorful and interesting, with people decorating their fridges with mementos from their travels. Magnetic poetry was created in the 1990s, which included a packet of words on magnetic backing that could be used to create any sentence. Fridge magnets are valued for their usefulness in pinning important messages or family photos to the fridge.


1. What is the history of fridge magnets?

Fridge magnets have been around since the early 1900s when they were first introduced as a promotional item for businesses. They were originally made of metal with a design on top, but it wasn’t until the 1950s that they started being made with a magnet on the back. From then on, they became a popular souvenir item for tourists and a way for people to display their favorite photos and artwork on their refrigerator.

2. How do fridge magnets work?

Fridge magnets work by using the principles of magnetism. The magnet on the back of the fridge magnet is attracted to the metal surface of the refrigerator. The closer the magnet is to the metal, the stronger the attraction. This is why fridge magnets can hold up papers and photos even though they are relatively small in size.

3. What are some popular designs for fridge magnets?

Popular designs for fridge magnets include tourist attractions, city skylines, famous landmarks, animals, and food. Many people also enjoy collecting unique and funny magnets that showcase their personality or sense of humor.

4. Are there any rare or valuable fridge magnets?

Yes, there are some rare and valuable fridge magnets out there. Some vintage magnets from the early 1900s can fetch high prices at auction, especially if they are in good condition. Additionally, certain limited edition or commemorative magnets can be valuable to collectors.

5. Can fridge magnets damage refrigerators?

No, fridge magnets cannot damage refrigerators. The magnets are designed to be safe to use on metal surfaces and will not harm the finish of the fridge. However, it is important to note that if a magnet is left on a fridge for a very long time, it could leave a mark where it was attached.

6. How can I display my fridge magnets?

There are many ways to display fridge magnets. Some people like to create a dedicated magnet board or wall in their home, while others simply attach the magnets to their refrigerator. You can also use a magnetic photo frame or memo board to display your favorite magnets.

7. Can I make my own fridge magnets?

Yes, you can make your own fridge magnets using a variety of materials. Some popular options include printing your own designs onto magnet sheets, using decoupage to decorate a small wooden or plastic shape, or creating a clay magnet by molding and baking clay into a fun shape or design.

8. What are some fun ways to use fridge magnets?

Some fun ways to use fridge magnets include creating a magnetic poetry board, using them to display your child’s artwork, or creating a collection of magnets from places you’ve traveled to. You can also use magnets to hold up recipes or grocery lists in your kitchen.

9. Why are fridge magnets still popular today?

Fridge magnets are still popular today because they are a fun and inexpensive way to display artwork, photos, and other mementos. They are also a great way to personalize your space and add a touch of personality to your home. Additionally, they make great souvenirs and gifts for friends and family.

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