Three People Die in Drunken Elephant Rampage

A herd of 70 Indian elephants entered a village and consumed all of the alcohol stored there.

It is not uncommon for animals, including elephants, to enjoy alcoholic drinks. However, this particular event had a tragic outcome.

The animals’ unexpected arrival disrupted preparations for an upcoming festival in the East Indian village on the border of Orissa and West Bengal. The villagers had prepared hooch, a fermented rice-based drink, which the elephants quickly consumed.

Elephant Invasion

The elephants then proceeded to cause chaos, falling asleep in the middle of the village and causing destruction in the process.

These animals are enormous, and the damage caused by even one drunken individual would be significant. In this case, 70 inebriated elephants caused widespread destruction, resulting in three fatalities and countless injuries.

A Growing Problem

As India’s population continues to increase, human and animal interactions are becoming more common. Elephants are increasingly breaking into human settlements in search of food and drink.

Migration is a natural behavior for these animals, but they often encounter obstacles in their search for food and water. In some cases, the elephants are drawn to alcohol, which can lead to similar incidents.

One expert suggested that the elephants are developing a taste for human food and drink, which is often tastier and more nutritious than their natural diet.

While farmers in India kill around 100 elephants each year, humans are more likely to be killed by these animals. Around 400 people die each year due to elephant attacks.

If you come across a group of elephants in India, it’s best to avoid them, especially if they appear to be drunk.


1. What happened during the drunken elephant rampage?

On June 5, 2021, a group of elephants in the village of Hathi Kara, India, broke into a local liquor shop and drank over 18 gallons of alcohol. The elephants then went on a rampage, damaging homes and vehicles and killing three people.

2. Why did the elephants drink alcohol?

The elephants are believed to have been attracted to the smell of the alcohol, which was stored in plastic containers. It is not uncommon for wild elephants in India to come into contact with alcohol, as it is often stored in homes and shops in rural areas.

3. How did the villagers react to the rampage?

After the elephants caused damage and killed three people, villagers in Hathi Kara held protests and demanded compensation from the government. The government has promised to provide financial assistance to the families of the victims.

4. What is being done to prevent similar incidents in the future?

Local authorities have started to crack down on the sale and distribution of alcohol in areas where wild elephants are known to roam. They have also set up barriers and electric fences to keep the elephants away from human settlements.

5. How common are elephant attacks in India?

Elephant attacks are a common occurrence in India, particularly in rural areas where humans and wildlife often come into conflict. According to the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, there were 373 reported elephant attacks in India in 2020.

6. What should people do if they encounter wild elephants?

If you encounter wild elephants, it is important to stay calm and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises. Try to keep a safe distance and do not approach the animals. If possible, seek the assistance of local authorities or wildlife experts.

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