20 Things You Need to Know About New Years Eve Before the Countdown

In Columbia, it is a tradition to run around with empty suitcases on New Year’s Eve, symbolizing a desire for travel and adventure in the year to come.

The countdown to midnight on New Year’s Eve is one of the most exciting parts of the celebration. While waiting, it’s a great idea to share some fascinating facts about this special day! This can help bring people together and spark conversations. Some of the facts you share might even inspire others for their future New Year’s Eve celebrations. Here are 20 facts you can discuss with your loved ones before the countdown begins:

On New Year’s Eve, the United States has an average of 10,394 births, making it one of the rarest birthdays.

“Auld Lang Syne” is one of the most popular New Year’s Eve songs. It’s a Scottish poem written by Robert Burns that was eventually turned into a song by George Thomson in 1799. Originally played during Hogmanay, or Scotland’s New Year’s Eve, the song has spread to other countries to reflect on the past.

In Japan, temple bells are rung 108 times on New Year’s Eve to rid Buddhists of the 108 defilements, such as jealousy, pride, and anger.

You can celebrate New Year’s Eve twice in the same year by visiting a country like New Zealand that celebrates it earlier than most countries, and then flying to Hawaii, one of the last places to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

The Times Square Ball drop has been happening since 1907, but it didn’t happen in 1942 and 1943 due to World War II. Instead, a moment of silence followed by chimes from sound trucks was observed.

Kissing on New Year’s Eve is a popular tradition because of Hollywood films and German folklore. It is believed that a kiss at midnight can strengthen your relationship with your partner.

In Denmark, people keep old or damaged plates to break them on New Year’s Eve, symbolizing affection for their family and friends. Some throw the broken plates on their loved ones’ doors, while others prefer to leave them at the doorstep. The more plates seen outside your door, the more luck you’ll receive in the coming year.

Filipino children jump after the New Year’s Eve countdown, as they believe it will make them grow taller.

Chinese people started the tradition of making noise and lighting fireworks on New Year’s Eve to prevent bad luck and remove evil spirits.

Latin Americans believe that the color of your undergarments on New Year’s Eve can predict what will happen in the following year. For instance, blue underwear can bring good health, while red underwear can bring good luck in love. Colombians run around with empty suitcases to invite travel and adventure in the coming year. On Independence Day in the United States, more fireworks are sold than on New Year’s Eve. Booking a hotel last minute on New Year’s Eve can save you money as hotels want to maximize their occupancy rate. To find great New Year’s Eve hotel deals, consider looking at online travel agencies. The last blue moon on New Year’s Eve occurred in 1990, and the next one will occur in 2028. Julius Caesar is responsible for celebrating New Year’s Eve on December 31st. On December 30th, 1977, Ted Bundy escaped from prison for the second time. Various foods are known to bring good or bad luck on New Year’s Eve. Noodles are traditionally eaten on this day as they are believed to bring longevity. Dogs and other animals can become anxious on New Year’s Eve due to fireworks. Unlike Christmas and New Year’s Day, banks and stock markets remain open on New Year’s Eve. This special day is an excellent time to look for jobs since some companies hire on holidays, and competition is relatively low. New Year’s Eve is celebrated differently in different countries, making it a unique holiday worth remembering.


1. What is the origin of New Year’s Eve?

New Year’s Eve originated from the ancient Roman festival called Saturnalia, which was celebrated in honor of the god Saturn. It was celebrated from December 17 to December 23 and included feasting, gift-giving, and a carnival-like atmosphere. Later, Christians adopted the festival and celebrated it on January 1 in honor of the circumcision of Jesus Christ.

2. Why do we celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31?

The celebration of New Year’s Eve on December 31 was adopted by the Gregorian calendar in 1582. It was chosen because it was the day before the Feast of the Circumcision, which was already a recognized religious holiday. The day also marks the end of the solar year and the winter solstice.

3. What is the significance of the Times Square ball drop?

The Times Square ball drop is a New Year’s Eve tradition that dates back to 1907. It is a symbol of the passage of time and the start of a new year. The ball is made of crystal and weighs 11,875 pounds. It drops from a height of 141 feet at the stroke of midnight and is watched by millions of people around the world.

4. What are some New Year’s Eve traditions around the world?

New Year’s Eve is celebrated in different ways around the world. In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight. In Denmark, it is traditional to smash plates on the doorstep of friends and family to bring good luck. In Brazil, people wear white clothes and throw flowers into the ocean as a tribute to the goddess of the sea.

5. What are some common New Year’s Eve resolutions?

Common New Year’s Eve resolutions include losing weight, quitting smoking, saving money, and traveling more. These resolutions are often made to improve one’s health, finances, or personal life.

6. How do people celebrate New Year’s Eve in the United States?

New Year’s Eve is celebrated in various ways in the United States. Some people attend parties or watch fireworks displays, while others stay at home and watch the ball drop in Times Square on television. Many cities also hold parades, concerts, and other events to mark the occasion.

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