What Does the Term Sturgeon Moon Mean?

The first full moon in August is known as the Sturgeon Moon, named after the primitive fish species that are abundant during this time of year.

This name is part of ancient moon-naming traditions, which reflect seasonal occurrences in nature and were used to keep track of time and plan for the year.

In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of the Sturgeon Moon.

What Exactly Is a Sturgeon Moon?

The Sturgeon Moon is the first full moon that appears in August, often considered the last full moon of summer and the best time to harvest certain foods.

August is a fruitful month, and the Sturgeon Moon marks the last chance to harvest summer fruits.

Why Is It Called a Sturgeon Moon?

The name Sturgeon Moon comes from native North American tribes who named it after the primitive fish species.

Sturgeon fish are one of the few species that have survived since the time of the dinosaurs and are abundant in the rivers and great lakes of North America during August, making it the best time to fish for them.

For many tribes, sturgeon was an essential part of their diet, and fishing for them around the full moon was particularly fruitful.

Who Gave the Name Sturgeon Moon?

The lunar cycle was first used as a way to keep track of the time of year, with each full moon given a name reflecting relevant seasonal events in nature.

The North American tribes named August’s moon the Sturgeon Moon, particularly those located around the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain where sturgeon were abundant.

The monthly moon names helped humans recognize the time of year by these seasonal occurrences and prepare for harvest, allowing them to survive and thrive.

Is It Always Called the Sturgeon Moon?

Although the Sturgeon Moon is the most well-known name for the first full moon of August in North America, there are other names too.

The Algonquin tribes called it the Full Green Corn Moon or Wheat Cut Moon, signaling that it was almost time to harvest the corn.

The Cherokee tribe named it the Full Fruit Moon, while the Sioux called it “the moon when all things ripen,” reflecting the fact that fruits had reached their full growth and it was the last chance to harvest them.

During the festival of Hungry Ghosts Moon in China, which coincides with August’s full moon, it is believed that the gates to hell open, allowing hungry souls to roam the earth. To appease these souls, food and gifts are left out, and lotus-shaped lanterns are lit and set afloat on lakes and pools to guide them back to the afterlife. The Sturgeon Moon, on the other hand, marks the peak time for both fruits and fish to be harvested. It signifies the end of summer and the start of fall, and is a time to prepare for the upcoming harvest.


1. What is a Sturgeon Moon?

A Sturgeon Moon is a full moon that appears in August and is named after the sturgeon fish that are caught during this time of year. It is also known as the Full Red Moon or the Green Corn Moon. The name Sturgeon Moon comes from Native American tribes who used to fish for sturgeon in the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay during this time.

2. When is the Sturgeon Moon?

The Sturgeon Moon usually appears in August, but the exact date varies each year. In 2021, it will be on August 22nd.

3. Why is it called the Sturgeon Moon?

The Sturgeon Moon is named after the sturgeon fish that are caught during this time of year. Native American tribes used to fish for sturgeon in the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay during this time, and the name has stuck ever since.

4. What is the significance of the Sturgeon Moon?

The Sturgeon Moon has cultural significance for many Native American tribes who used it as a marker for the start of the harvest season. It is also a time when sturgeon fishing is at its peak, making it an important time for fishermen.

5. How is the Sturgeon Moon celebrated?

The Sturgeon Moon is not typically celebrated in the same way as other holidays or festivals. However, some Native American tribes hold traditional ceremonies and gatherings during this time.

6. Can you see the Sturgeon Moon?

Yes, the Sturgeon Moon is visible to the naked eye, just like any other full moon. However, it may appear slightly larger and brighter than usual due to its position in the sky.

7. What is the difference between a Sturgeon Moon and a Blue Moon?

A Sturgeon Moon is simply a full moon that appears in August, while a Blue Moon is a second full moon that appears in the same month. Blue Moons are rare, occurring only once every 2-3 years.

8. Are there any superstitions associated with the Sturgeon Moon?

There are no major superstitions associated with the Sturgeon Moon, but some people believe that it has a calming effect on the mind and body.

9. What is the next full moon after the Sturgeon Moon?

The next full moon after the Sturgeon Moon is the Harvest Moon, which usually appears in September. It is named after the harvest season and is considered to be a time of abundance and prosperity.

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