10 Foods That Can Help Alleviate Heartburn

Heartburn can be a common occurrence for many people, and it can be frustrating to deal with. While there may not be a cure, there are natural ways to relieve the symptoms, and it can start with the foods you eat.

Recurring heartburn can be uncomfortable, but it’s possible to alleviate it with the right foods. Here are ten foods that can help to alleviate heartburn quickly:


Bananas are a popular fruit, and they can help to alleviate heartburn due to their low acidity. By forming a lining in the stomach, bananas can prevent heartburn from getting worse and eventually eliminate it altogether. For faster relief, mash a banana into a paste and eat it on its own or with a cracker or piece of toast.


Drinking milk can help to relieve heartburn symptoms since it’s alkaline and can counteract any acid in the stomach and esophagus. You don’t have to stick to dairy milk; almond, coconut, and rice milk are all excellent alternatives. Blend milk with fruits like banana, avocado, or strawberries for a tasty smoothie.

Green Vegetables

Eating foods that are low in acid is key to reducing heartburn symptoms. Acidic foods like citrus fruits, fruit juices, and sugary foods can trigger heartburn. Broccoli, kale, carrots, and asparagus are excellent alkaline foods to add to your diet.


Oats are versatile and can be eaten in many different ways. Add them to milk for porridge or sprinkle them on yogurt and fruit. Since milk can help alleviate heartburn, a bowl of porridge could be just what you need. Avoid sugary oat foods like flapjacks as they are less effective at eliminating heartburn.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its excellent properties, and it can also help alleviate heartburn symptoms.

Consuming aloe vera gel and other aloe products is safe for the body, despite its common use in creams and gels. To ensure its purity, add small quantities of aloe vera to smoothies, cereals, or other meals. Licorice can also relieve heartburn symptoms, but only pure licorice sticks will do the trick. Chewing the sticks will increase saliva production and effectively kill heartburn. Baking soda rapidly balances out pH levels in the stomach and gets rid of any remaining acid from previous foods. Ginger tea, particularly homemade ginger tea, is effective at alleviating heartburn symptoms. Chewing gum increases saliva production and washes away acid in the stomach, while vinegar may help if heartburn is caused by low acid levels rather than excess acid. Avoid drinking straight malt vinegar.

To alleviate heartburn, try mixing 1-2 teaspoons of pure apple cider vinegar with cold water. Although it may not be severe enough to require medical attention, heartburn can still be uncomfortable and disrupt your day. It can be difficult to avoid and may catch us off guard. However, the next time it happens, try consuming these basic foods to stop the symptoms.


1. What is heartburn?

Heartburn is a common condition that occurs when the acid from your stomach flows back into your esophagus, causing a burning sensation in your chest and throat.

2. What are the causes of heartburn?

Heartburn can be caused by several factors, including eating large meals, lying down after eating, being overweight, smoking, and consuming certain foods and beverages.

3. How can I prevent heartburn?

You can prevent heartburn by avoiding trigger foods and beverages such as spicy foods, citrus fruits, alcohol, and coffee. It’s also important to eat smaller, more frequent meals and to avoid lying down immediately after eating.

4. What are some foods that can help to alleviate heartburn?

Foods that are high in fiber, such as oatmeal and whole-grain bread, can help to absorb stomach acid and reduce the risk of heartburn. Other foods that can help include ginger, bananas, and melons.

5. Can drinking water help to alleviate heartburn?

Drinking water can help to dilute stomach acid and reduce the risk of heartburn. However, it’s important to drink water in moderation as drinking too much water can actually increase the risk of heartburn.

6. Is there a specific diet for individuals with heartburn?

There is no specific diet for individuals with heartburn, but it’s important to avoid trigger foods and to eat a well-balanced diet that is high in fiber and low in fat.

7. Can exercise help to alleviate heartburn?

Exercise can help to improve digestion and reduce the risk of heartburn. However, it’s important to avoid exercising immediately after eating as this can increase the risk of heartburn.

8. Are there any natural remedies for heartburn?

Natural remedies for heartburn include drinking herbal tea, chewing gum, and taking apple cider vinegar. However, it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider before trying any natural remedies.

9. When should I speak with my healthcare provider about heartburn?

You should speak with your healthcare provider about heartburn if it occurs frequently, interferes with your daily activities, or if you experience other symptoms such as difficulty swallowing or vomiting.

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