26 Surprising Facts About Banksy

Did you know that Banksy describes himself as a “Quality Vandal”? The enigmatic street artist is one of the most controversial and entertaining artists of our time, known for his graffiti and murals on walls around the world. Despite his fame, few people know his true identity, and he remains a mystery to the public.

Here are some interesting facts about Banksy:

  • Some people believe that his real name is Robin Gunningham, which is why he is sometimes referred to as “Robin Hood.”
  • He was reportedly a member of a Mexican revolutionary soccer team.
  • The value of his artwork continues to rise.
  • In 2007, he included a live elephant painted pink in his “Barely Legal” exhibition in Los Angeles.
  • He sometimes recreates other artists’ work using unconventional materials.
  • He once created fake banknotes featuring Princess Diana’s image instead of Queen Elizabeth’s.
  • He has painted on walls in the Palestinian side of the West Bank.
  • He published a book called “Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall” in 2001 and a second book called “Existencilism” in 2002.
  • He has a print company called “Pictures on Walls,” which is funded by Jamie Hewlett, the co-creator of Gorillaz.
  • He collaborated with Damien Hirst on an artistic project that sold for over $1.8 million at auction.
  • He is known for editing his own paintings and using stencils.
  • In September 2020, social media rumors suggested that Banksy might be Neil Buchanan, the host of ITV’s “Art Attack,” but Buchanan denied the claims.
  • He designed artwork for Blur’s album “Think Tank.”
  • His documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop” received an Oscar nomination in 2010.
  • In 2010, he worked on the opening credits of an episode of “The Simpsons” called “MoneyBart.”
  • He was a member of a graffiti gang called Dry Bread Z Crew in Bristol.
  • Many of his works are featured in his self-published book “Wall and Piece.”
  • Some people have tried to auction off the walls on which his artwork is painted.
  • He reportedly told his mother that he was a house painter.
  • He supports charities that research eye diseases and work to restore sight to the blind.
  • He has a manager who used to work for Sean Penn.
  • When he installed his “Banksy vs. Bristol City Museum” show at the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery, he reportedly asked for a fee of 1 million pounds.
  • He is an animal rights activist, but protests have emerged against some of his shows.


1. Who is Banksy?

Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humor with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique.

2. When was Banksy born?

Although there is no official information about Banksy’s real name or birthdate, it is widely believed that he was born in Bristol, England, in the late 1970s.

3. What is Banksy’s most famous artwork?

Banksy’s most famous artwork is probably “Girl with Balloon,” a stencil graffiti that first appeared on a wall in East London in 2002. The image shows a young girl reaching out for a heart-shaped balloon that is carried away by the wind.

4. Has Banksy ever been caught?

No one knows for sure who Banksy is, and he has never been caught in the act of creating his artworks. However, there have been several occasions when people claiming to be Banksy have been arrested, but they turned out to be impostors.

5. How much is Banksy’s art worth?

Banksy’s art is highly sought after by collectors, and his pieces have sold for millions of dollars at auction. In 2021, a painting by Banksy titled “Game Changer,” which depicts a child playing with a nurse superhero toy, sold for $23.2 million.

6. Why does Banksy use stencils?

Banksy started using stencils in his art because it allowed him to create his pieces quickly and anonymously. By using a stencil, he could spray his image onto a wall in a matter of seconds and then disappear before anyone could catch him.

7. Does Banksy only create street art?

No, Banksy has also created indoor pieces, such as paintings and sculptures, which have been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world. However, his street art remains his most famous and iconic work.

8. What is Banksy’s message?

Banksy’s art is often political and satirical, and he uses his pieces to comment on a wide range of issues, such as war, capitalism, and consumerism. His work is also known for its dark humor and subversive nature, as he often challenges the status quo and questions authority.

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