Does Your Smartphone Outperform Your Laptop?

Despite their portability, smartphones have yet to surpass laptops and desktop computers in terms of overall functionality.

While mobile technology continues to improve every year, we have yet to reach a point where smartphones are more powerful than laptops. But is that about to change?

We’ll compare the different components and areas of modern flagship smartphones and Ultrabooks to see which device comes out on top.

We’ll focus specifically on Ultrabooks, which are thinner and longer-lasting laptops that don’t compromise on performance, according to the inventor, Intel. They’re the cutting-edge laptops designed for home use.

Battery Life

The newest LG G5 phone boasts a 20-hour talk time battery, according to Telefonica. However, with heavy use, the battery life is only 7 hours, which is typical for most smartphones. The LG gram, the newest ultrabook from LG, also has a 7-hour battery life. So, both devices are on par in terms of power sustainability with proper use. However, LG was criticized for poor battery life in previous models, so they likely focused on improving battery development this time. Although the LG ultrabook is larger and has better technology, the full HD display and i7 powering the device make it neck and neck with the LG phone. Another comparison is the Samsung S7 and the Macbook Pro, both with 9-hour battery life, showing that neither technology excels in this area.


Processing power has been an issue in the smartphone world, with companies constantly trying to make more powerful chips that don’t compromise battery life. Although smartphones have come a long way since the original IBM Simon, which was commercially the Apple iPhone, laptops still win out in terms of processing power and memory. The quad-core i7 Processor running at 2.5GHz with 16GB RAM in the MacBook Pro is far superior to the dual-core 1.8ghz processor and 2GB RAM in Apple’s flagship iPhone, the 6s. The i7 surpasses any smartphone chip, including the Snapdragon chipset. Laptops are expected to handle more tasks, such as streaming content, multitab browsing, music, and resource-heavy programs, than smartphones.

Portability and Display

While mobile devices have become more powerful and capable of handling most tasks, smartphones are still more convenient than laptops. However, for a smartphone to truly replace laptops, it would need a keyboard docking station, which would limit the benefits of the smartphone’s portability.

The screen quality of the Microsoft Surface Book is comparable to that of modern smartphones and ultrabooks with HD displays. However, the pixel per inch (ppi) differs greatly with the Surface Book having 267 ppi and the Samsung S7 having 576 ppi. Research has shown that anything beyond 300ppi is merely a gimmick as the human eye cannot distinguish the difference. Despite the dominance of smartphones in terms of portability and browsing the web, laptops are still necessary for more complex tasks such as word processing and file editing, due to their processing power, usability, and screen size. It is clear that both devices are needed for day-to-day tasks, and neither has made the other obsolete.


1. Can a smartphone really be more powerful than a laptop?

Yes, in some cases, a high-end smartphone can have more processing power and memory than a low-end laptop. However, laptops are generally more powerful and versatile due to their larger screens, physical keyboards, and ability to run complex software.

2. What are some advantages of using a smartphone over a laptop?

Smartphones are more portable and convenient than laptops, as they can easily fit in your pocket or purse. They also have longer battery life and can be used for calls and texts, as well as accessing the internet.

3. Are there any disadvantages to using a smartphone instead of a laptop?

Smartphones have smaller screens and keyboards, which can make it more difficult to work on certain tasks, such as typing long documents or editing photos. They also have limited storage capacity and may not be able to run some software programs.

4. What types of tasks can a smartphone handle that a laptop cannot?

Smartphones are ideal for quick tasks, such as sending emails, checking social media, or making phone calls. They are also great for taking photos and videos on-the-go, as well as using GPS navigation.

5. Can a smartphone replace a laptop for everyday use?

While smartphones are becoming more powerful and versatile, they cannot fully replace laptops for everyday use. Laptops are still necessary for more complex tasks, such as video editing, programming, and gaming.

6. What are some features to look for in a powerful smartphone?

A powerful smartphone should have a fast processor, plenty of RAM, and large storage capacity. It should also have a high-quality camera, a long-lasting battery, and a large, high-resolution screen.

7. How can I make my smartphone more powerful?

You can make your smartphone more powerful by clearing out unused apps and files, updating the operating system, and using a high-speed internet connection. You can also invest in a powerful smartphone with advanced features.

8. Are there any risks to using a powerful smartphone?

Using a powerful smartphone can drain your battery faster and may lead to overheating if you use it for long periods of time. It can also be more expensive and may require a higher data plan to fully utilize its features.

9. Should I choose a smartphone or laptop for my needs?

The answer depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you need a device for work or school that requires complex software or a physical keyboard, a laptop may be more suitable. If you need a device for on-the-go communication and entertainment, a powerful smartphone may be the better choice.

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