Interesting Trivia About Proboscis Monkeys

Proboscis monkeys possess bulging bellies that help them digest their primary diet of unripe fruits.

Proboscis monkeys are the primate species with the most extended noses. Here are some intriguing facts about these peculiar-looking monkeys.

There are some pretty weird primates in the animal kingdom, but none more peculiar-looking than the Proboscis monkeys.

Their name means nose, which is fitting as the males of this species have exaggeratedly large noses that look almost comical.

These unique monkeys are found only on the island of Borneo in southern Asia.

Male Proboscis monkeys use their oversized noses to make loud bellowing noises to warn of predators or attract mates.

Another noticeable feature of these monkeys is their bulging bellies, which help them digest their primary food of unripe fruits.

Proboscis monkeys are largely arboreal and can be found in swamps or occasionally swimming across jungle rivers.

Female Proboscis monkeys reach sexual maturity at five years of age.

They are known to jump from high tree branches into the water.

Males weigh an average of 20kg, while females weigh approximately half as much as males.

Most of the monkeys’ toes are webbed, but not all of them.


1. What is a proboscis monkey?

A proboscis monkey, also known as the long-nosed monkey, is a species of Old World monkey native to the island of Borneo. They are known for their distinctive long noses, potbellies, and large size compared to other monkeys. Proboscis monkeys are primarily found in mangrove forests and along rivers.

2. Why do proboscis monkeys have such long noses?

Scientists believe that the proboscis monkey’s long nose helps them attract mates and communicate with other members of their group. The nose also serves as a resonating chamber, allowing the monkeys to produce loud honking sounds that can be heard up to three miles away.

3. What do proboscis monkeys eat?

Proboscis monkeys are primarily herbivores, feeding on leaves, fruits, and seeds. They are known to have specialized digestive systems that allow them to ferment their food for several hours in their stomachs, breaking down tough fibers and extracting nutrients.

4. How do proboscis monkeys live in groups?

Proboscis monkeys live in groups called harems, which consist of one dominant male and multiple females and their offspring. The males compete for dominance, and the females choose their mates based on the size of their nose and belly. The harems are highly territorial and defend their territory from other groups.

5. What are the biggest threats to proboscis monkeys?

Proboscis monkeys are listed as an endangered species, primarily due to habitat loss and hunting. The destruction of mangrove forests and other coastal habitats has greatly reduced their numbers, and they are also hunted for their meat and body parts, which are used in traditional medicine.

6. How long do proboscis monkeys live?

Proboscis monkeys have a lifespan of up to 20 years in the wild. They reach sexual maturity at around 4-5 years of age and can reproduce until they are around 15 years old.

7. Are proboscis monkeys social animals?

Yes, proboscis monkeys are highly social animals that form close bonds with other members of their group. They communicate with a variety of vocalizations, facial expressions, and body language, and are known to groom each other as a form of social bonding.

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