Unusual Museums Around the World

The Museum of Toilets in New Delhi is home to a wide collection of toilet-related items dating back to 2500 BC. The Friet Museum in Bruges and the Museum of Toilets in New Delhi are two of the most peculiar and bizarre museums in the world. Here are some interesting facts about them:

The Creation Museum, Kentucky

The Creation Museum is situated near Petersburg, Kentucky, and offers a young earth creationist’s view of the universe’s origins, the creation of all life, and early human history according to the Book of Genesis. The museum’s exhibits reject biological evolution and claim that everything on earth was created over a six-day period around 6,000 years ago. The Creation Museum has been criticized by many members of the scientific, educational, and Christian communities since opening to the public on May 28, 2007.

The Friet Museum, Belgium

Belgium is famous worldwide for its chocolate, but did you know that the potato fries (also known as French fries) may have originated in Belgium? The Friet Museum is the only museum in the world dedicated to potato fries. The museum, located in the oldest surviving building in Bruges dating back to 1399, was created by the Van Belle families who also started the Belgian Chocolate Museum and the Domestic Lighting Museum. The museum is informative and educates visitors on how to make perfect fries. You can also try various fries in the basement.

The Museum of Toilets, New Delhi

The Museum of Toilets in New Delhi houses an extensive collection of toilet-related items dating back to 2500 BC. The museum is filled with pictures and peculiar facts about the history of toilets. Although you cannot try out any of the toilets, you can see some of the weirdest ones in the short video provided on the museum’s website.


1. What is the most unusual museum in the world?

The most unusual museum in the world is the Icelandic Phallological Museum located in Reykjavik, Iceland. This museum is dedicated to the male genitalia of various species and features over 280 specimens, including human penises, from animals such as whales, bears, and even hamsters. Visitors can also view artwork and photographs related to the male anatomy.

2. What is the purpose of the Museum of Broken Relationships?

The Museum of Broken Relationships, located in Zagreb, Croatia, is dedicated to showcasing the emotional turmoil of heartbreak. The museum features objects and mementos donated by individuals from around the world that represent their past relationships. The purpose of the museum is to promote healing and self-reflection by sharing stories of lost loves and the objects that represent them.

3. What can visitors expect to see at the Torture Museum in Amsterdam?

The Torture Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to showcasing the brutal methods of torture used throughout history. Visitors can expect to see a variety of torture devices, including the rack, guillotine, and iron maiden. The museum also features exhibits that explore the history of torture and its role in society.

4. What is the weirdest exhibit at the Museum of Bad Art?

The Museum of Bad Art, located in Dedham, Massachusetts, features a collection of artwork that is intentionally bad or unintentionally hilarious. One of the weirdest exhibits is a painting called “Lucy in the Field with Flowers” which depicts a woman with an impossibly long neck and a face that appears to be melting. Other exhibits include poorly executed portraits and landscapes that are sure to make visitors laugh.

5. What makes the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets unique?

The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets, located in New Delhi, India, is dedicated to showcasing the history and evolution of toilets around the world. The museum features a variety of exhibits, including ancient chamber pots, modern toilets, and even a replica of King Louis XIII’s throne. What makes this museum unique is its focus on the cultural and social significance of toilets, as well as the sanitation issues that still impact millions of people worldwide.

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